Title IX/VAWA Training for Employees
Last Updated: Feb 12, 2025, 08:51 AM
Mandated Training
Preventing Harassment and Discrimination, Title IX, and VAWA:
"Preventing Harassment and Discrimination: Supervisors with Title IX/Clery Module" is provided through Vector Solutions and is designed to help employees understand their responsibilities for contributing to campus safety as a university employees. All employees are initially assigned supervisor training to meet the content requirements of federal and state mandates regardless of supervisory responsibilities.
This combined training provides employees with information in regards to their responsibilities under Title IX, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, and the Illinois Preventing Sexual Violence in Higher Education Act. This training is required for all employees and volunteers, including undergraduate and graduate assistants, student employees, faculty, A/P, civil service, and extra help employees. Employees who completed the full version of the training in the previous training period are enrolled in the refresher training.
The training can be accessed here.
Any employee having difficulty accessing the training may contact the Office of Equity and Compliance at odetraining@siu.edu.
Customized Training
The Office of Equity and Compliance also offers several training sessions aimed at students, faculty, and staff. Customized programming for the training topics is available as the content, focus, and sophistication vary with the audience. Please contact our office at equity@siu.edu for further information.
Title IX Policy Training: This training can be customized to the audience: staff, students, faculty, administrators, etc. The concentration is on definitions along with a detailing of campus policy and procedures.
Discrimination Policy & Procedures Training: This training focuses on the legalities of discrimination, including the definitions of discrimination, protected status, and the elements required to support a claim of discrimination.